
Does your board know its role and responsibilities? Do you know how to do advocacy work? How do you improve the diversity within your deaf organisation? How do you monitor your projects and activities? You can get answers to those questions (and much more) from the 24 modules here.

Vision and Mission

Topics: Purpose; Vision; Mission; Strategies.


Topics: Statutes / Constitution / Bylaws; Vision and Mission; Objectives; Administration; Decision making; Membership.

Internal and External Structure

Topics: Organisation structure; Board structure; Committee structure; Types of organizations and their structures; Linkages within organizations; International organizational structures.

The Board

Topics: Types of organisation boards; Functions of a board; Roles and responsibilities; Characteristics of a good board; Hearing allies.


Topics: Governance practices; Democratic rules; Leadership.


Topics: Activity Planning; Action or Work Plan; Problem Identification and Analysis.

Participation and Relationships

Topics: Active participation in networks; Representation; International cooperation; Disability groups; Local / regional affiliates.

External and Internal Communication

Topics: What is communication?; External communication; Successful communication; Communication plan;Internal communication.

Sign Language Work

Topics: Sign Language Work; Colonization; Language planning; Unification / standardisation; Steps to Sign Language Work.


Topics: What is a Sign Language Interpreter (SLI)? The role and responsibilities of a SLI; SLI training; Cooperation between deaf (association) and SLI (association).

Human Rights

Topics: Overview of human rights; Different conventions and rights; CRPD; SDGs; Human rights of deaf people; Recognition of Sign Language; The role of NGOs and National Deaf Associations.

Gender and Diversity

Topics: Gender equality; Gender policy; Women’s section/wing; Diversity (religion, disabilities, races, sexual orientation, languages, tribes, age).


Topics: Importance of youth section/wing; How adults and youth work together; How to establish a youth section/wing.

Deaf Education

Topics: Access to education; Stages of education; Types of education; Institutional approaches.

Advocacy and Lobbying

Topics: Advocacy; Lobbying; Different types of advocacy and lobbying; How to conduct effective advocacy and lobbying; Awareness raising; How the CRPD can support advocacy work.

How to Establish a National Association

Topics: Locating prospective members; Establishing contact; Organizing first public meeting; Official registration of the organization.

How to Establish Local Branches

Topics: Locating prospective members; Establishing contact; Organizing first public meeting; Official registration of the organization.

Income Generation

Topics: Sustainable income; Fundraising.

Conflict Resolution

Topics: Types of Conflicts; Types of Resolutions; 7 steps of conflict resolution.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Topics: Monitoring: How, when, and why? Evaluation: How, when, and why? Logical Framework Approach (LFA).


Topics: Voting rights; Selecting voting methods; Determining voting results.

Establishing a Project

Topics: Planning a project; Steps to make a project proposal; Gender sensitive project.

Roles and Responsibilities

Topics: Division of duties between board and staff.

Organisational Assessment

Topics: Organisational assessment; Self-assessment; Descriptive, normative, and impact questions; Create indicators; Collecting data.