Strengthen Your Deaf Association

Does your board know it’s role and responsibilities? Do you know how to do advocacy work? How do you improve the diversity within your deaf organisation? How do you monitor your projects and activities? You can get answers on those questions (and much more) on this website. In Francophone West Africa Signs too.

Sign Language Work

Topics: Sign Language Work; Colonization; Language planning; Unification / standardisation; Steps to Sign Language Work.

Role and Responsibilities

Topics: Division of duties between board and staff.


Topics: Statutes / Constitution / Bylaws; Vision and Mission; Objectives; Administration; Decision making; Membership.

Establishing a Project

Topics: Planning a project; Steps to make a project proposal; Gender sensitive project.

Gender and Diversity

Topics: Gender equality; Gender policy; Women’s section/wing; Diversity (religion, disabilities, races, sexual orientation, languages, tribes, age)

Deaf Education

Topics: Access to education; Stages of education; Types of education; Institutional approaches.


This website is developed with the need of the deaf associations in mind, using real examples from their work for improving the living conditions of deaf people around the world. The aim is to strengthen the deaf associations both at national, regional, and local levels, so they can better champion for deaf people’s human rights.

Greeting from WFD President

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