About buildadeaf.org

The purpose of this website, Build a Deaf Organisation, is to strengthen the deaf associations at national, regional, and local levels, so they can better champion deaf people’s human rights. The topics of the 24 modules have been identified to be of common interest to most deaf associations around the world.

The materials on this website are made by many people, and without their invaluable contributions, it has not have been possible. We would like to thank all the people involved in making this website a reality. This website was developed as a part of a regional project in West Africa, which was funded by The Disability Fund under Disabled Peoples Organisations – Denmark. The materials can be freely used under the Creative Commons License. If you would like to translate the materials to your national written and signed languages, please feel free to contact us at Danish Deaf Association.


Veera Elonen Knudsen
Kasper Bergmann


Sarah Houge
Megan Youngs
Veera Elonen Knudsen
Kasper Bergmann
Florjan Rojba
Dickson Mveyange
Juventus Duorinaah
Ablavi Dziku
Majdi Yaghi
Jigjid Dulamsuren
Abigail Gorman
Debra Russell
Samuel Munana
Sekerani Kufakwina
Josh Josa
Shirley Liu
Mark Berry
Laure Abdelmoumeni


Jules Rutaysire
Joyce Niyamana


Paula Gomez
Enrique Tellez
Felipe Rueda
Maria Galeano
Valentina Martinez
Cristian Fala
Maria Caicedo
Omar Bustos
John Bohórquez
Karen Morales
Katerine Fernández

Design and Video Production

Daniel Ocampo Arias
Felipe Rueda

Project Management

Kasper Bergmann

Partners and Donor

World Federation of the Deaf

Cooperating partner.

Rwanda National Union of the Deaf

Translations to International Sign.

Danish Deaf Association

General project management and quality assurance.

Disabled Peoples Organisations - Denmark

The project was funded by The Disability Fund under the DPOD.

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